great job on launching something! i'm working on something similar in this space. i think you will have a hard time attracting users (and therefore jobs), being that there are already remote job boards out there. chicken/egg markets are though to enter, thats why i'm trying a different angle with my project.
especially weworkremotely will be a though competitor, since developed by the guys from basecamp they get a lot of trust from companies, and having a book about remote work helps attracting visitors as well...
Very true. I also have another angle I wish to pursue with respect to this. But it's good to know that there's interest in such a job board. Furthermore, my focus with this board is on developers and developers only. WeWorkRemotely focus more broadly than that.
especially weworkremotely will be a though competitor, since developed by the guys from basecamp they get a lot of trust from companies, and having a book about remote work helps attracting visitors as well...