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Let's imagine that I have privilege grouping sub-users, something like name.banking, name.work, etc. Now my work files can't see my banking unless a window pops up going "Would you like Experimental Thing for Work to have access to name.banking?"

I think being able to explain to the computer how my data is grouped, and access patterns in it, is more natural for users than most of the security models we have today.

It's also much easier to have two copies of the browser load, depending on if I'm invoking it through name.banking or name.general. And much easier to explain to grandma you do banking when you use name.banking and you look at cat photos in general.

Grandma isn't stupid, she doesn't understand how technology work. Making permissions based around how she categorizes her information and how she divvies up tasks is more natural for her than insisting security only work if she understand how computers work.

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