I can't see how the number of clicks to install it and start watching a copyrighted movie could be less than required to install a web browser and start watching a copyrighted movie.
Surely they're both: click to download -> click to run installer -> click to start watching the movie....
Like I said, I have no experience doing that in popcorn time, but I can 100% say I could do that in a browser.
If there exists a browser which, when freshly installed, starts playing infringing content as soon as you launch it, that would probably get in trouble too. But no mainstream browser does that.
I can't see how the number of clicks to install it and start watching a copyrighted movie could be less than required to install a web browser and start watching a copyrighted movie.
Surely they're both: click to download -> click to run installer -> click to start watching the movie....
Like I said, I have no experience doing that in popcorn time, but I can 100% say I could do that in a browser.