Just saw the all-hands call on the IRC channels and systemd fanbois groups for an epic show of whiteknighting required yet again on HN where rational folks are trying to discuss the actual and real downsides of systemd - quick, post the rebuttals, choose from:
1. You're doing it wrong
2. Of course, if you use <insert something here>, then it won't work!
3. If you spend a month, it is simple! What, are you lazy?
4. If you hack these bits, disable these bits, run some pointless commands here, then presto it works!
1. You're doing it wrong 2. Of course, if you use <insert something here>, then it won't work! 3. If you spend a month, it is simple! What, are you lazy? 4. If you hack these bits, disable these bits, run some pointless commands here, then presto it works!