Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the privacy advocates are the target market for this site.
I also believe that the cloud has proven people are willing to forgo some privacy in exchange for the ease of use/access. I don't take part is such activities, but many seem to.
> I also believe that the cloud has proven people are willing to forgo some privacy in exchange for the ease of use/access. I don't take part is such activities, but many seem to.
Or they don't understand exactly what they are trading away in exchange for the free service.
Which would be understandable, since it's not like any of those services go out of their way to explain it to them. It's just marketed as a free lunch.
You're right on both counts. However, everyone, including members of younger generations, is becoming more aware of the potential harm from cloud providers not having sufficient security around our data. The market for services where this kind of cavalier "let your data be free" attitude prevails is shrinking. Look at the recent Snapchat and iCloud photo leaks. All the kids are seeing this.
I think you're entirely right. Based off of what I saw, this isn't for secure file storage on the cloud. It's for storing photos and music collections that you'd like your friends and family to have access to.
Of course, it does mention documents and such as well, but I'm sure there are plenty of uses for "socially" sharing that type of thing too.
I also believe that the cloud has proven people are willing to forgo some privacy in exchange for the ease of use/access. I don't take part is such activities, but many seem to.