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This essentially mimics my login flow to every site I only use occasionally (e.g. twitter) and therefore can never remember the password for:

1. Go to login

2. Forget password - click reset password

3. Go to email, find reset password email

4. Login.

I wouldn't really mind if this became more common. I don't trust password managers (and access the internet from so many different devices that the only common thing they share between them is that I can access my webmail client or email on my phone.)

LastPass was considered secure on HN in the past, has this changed? Or is there a reason you don't like it? Not attacking, just curious about my own security.

I'm sure many password managers, including LastPass, meet the security bar for the threat models of most people.


* I don't trust any software that uploads data to a centralized service (encrypted or not)

* Especially when that software is not open source / free software.

1Password doesn't do that.

So KeePass?

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