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Just so you folks don't have to scroll sideways:

We received several reports from users who used a Dropbox feature called Selective Sync and couldn’t locate certain files they’d saved in Dropbox.

When we took a closer look, we discovered that older versions of the Dropbox client had introduced an issue affecting a small number of users whose Dropbox application shut down or restarted while users were applying Selective Sync settings.

In light of all of this, we've taken the following steps to ensure the Selective Sync bug won’t affect anyone else going forward:

1) we've patched our desktop client so this issue doesn't exist in Dropbox anymore; 2) we've made sure all our users are running an updated version of the Dropbox client; and 3) we've retired all affected versions of the Dropbox client so no one can use them.

We've also put additional testing in place to prevent this from happening in the future.

We’re very sorry about this issue and the trouble it might have caused. We’ll keep doing our best to ensure our users' data is always safe and available to them.

Is there a way we can contribute some CSS fixes to the HN code base. These issues could be quick and permanent fixes. Also 12px Verdana? Mobile?

They've been reluctant to change the markup because of the many scrapers. Hence, the recently released API in preparation. An updated UI is incoming.

The majority get a poorer experience because a few people are scraping? I'm guessing 99% of traffic is from people hitting the site in browsers.

HN has historically subscribed to a form of deontological ethics[1] rather than utilitarianism.

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction/duty_1.shtml

(I happen to agree with HN’s ethical posisition, but I invite you to look at the section “Bad points of duty-based ethics” in the link).

You are assuming the rule "Never change the source code unless you have to" is a deontological imperative.

It's not really is it? It's just something you believe and are justifying with obscure ethical arguments. Thanks for the reading :-D

Of course I see your comment after I finished reading the parent on my tablet. Thanks though!

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