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Maybe he just has 34 friends online right now and has asked them to up vote? Does that count as manipulation?

Yes. From the FAQ:

> Can I ask people to upvote my submission?

> No. Users should vote for a story because it's intellectually interesting, not because someone is promoting it.

> When the software detects a voting ring, it penalizes the post. Accounts that vote like this eventually get their votes ignored.

Yeah, typically it would. Ya know the other possibility is it is legitimately getting voted up.


Normally, Hacker News detects and penalizes stupid upvote rigging. I'm curious how the OP bypassed it at such a scale.

Me too. I've gone over the data and if he's figured anything out, it's plumb fooled me.

Actually, judging by the ridiculous number of flags the post has also gotten, I think he just touched a nerve.

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