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So if you are running psty, here is a fun sequence of commands to try out:

  cd http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1995-06-24/
  cat 21021.strip.zoom.gif
Never really liked the colorization of Dilbert. It was so much nicer as a line drawing. Best we can do is remove the colors.

  cat 21021.strip.zoom.gif | to canvas | pixastic -d
And to save your result,

  cat 21021.strip.zoom.gif | to canvas | pixastic -d >/home/dilbert-unix.png
Or to GDrive or Dropbox or even the local RamFS by changing the target directory.

(Scott Adams is fine with personal usage. I checked. And you need psty because it proxies HTTP requests for sites which don't have CORS enabled)

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