This account is a throwaway as I wanted to ask this semi-anonymously.
I've been thinking over the past few years about what my minimum requirements are in a working environment and what my ideal would look like, but I honestly have no idea -- not really.
I've got 10+ years of coding experience at a major corporation -- non-tech -- and I'm getting rather bored. I'd like to do something new: it doesn't have to be new subject matter, but I'd like to do something different. But before I embark on my journey I need to define my parameters: what is the minimum I need to leave my current (cushy) position? What is my ideal working environment?
I honestly have no idea how to answer these questions - which is scary. So I open the question up to you, HN: what is your IDEAL utopia for a workplace, as a programmer? It could relate to the physical workplace, source control, programming language, IDE, agile, Goodness and not Evilness, whatever. It's entirely subjective. What is your MINIMUM baseline for a working environment for you to even consider working somewhere? Again: this is entirely open and unstructured. It might be "free snacks," it might be "lets me bring my dog to work" or it might be "doesn't engage in human sacrifice every week."
No open plan spaces or sharing. I want an office to myself or at least my own cubicle with full-height walls.
No mandatory overtime or hints at "we all work really hard." I expect to come in at 9 and leave at 5.
No waterfall process (yeah, it still exists)
SCM, reasonably recent toolset, clueful managers. The actual language or technology isn't that important as long as it's not trending towards obsolescence.
Market pay and benefits. I currently have 4+ weeks vacation and I just turned down a job where they said "everybody starts out at 2 weeks." F' that!