I disagree. That's what most people want most of the time. There are specialized situations where M16 is a better choice, but for the most part people want the AK47. The numbers speak for themselves - more AK47s were sold in the world than all other assault rifles combined.
There is no universal scale of quality, but if you're trying to hit it big you have to keep in mind what most people want most of the time, and it's usually not what first comes to mind.
more AK47s were sold in the world than all other assault rifles combined.
Don't you think that that is more due to price and availability than anything else. I imagine buying a case of M16s can be quite tricky in the middle of the mountains in North Pakistan, while you probably have at least two people in your circle of friends who knows I guy who makes AK47s in his workshop.
So to draw the AK47 analogy to its logical conclusion, If you want your product to hit it big make it easy to build give away plans on how to built it to everybody without any sort patent, copyright or royalty claims. Remember that the vast majority or AK47s bought are knockoffs and that the original company doesn't see a dime from those sales.
There is no universal scale of quality, but if you're trying to hit it big you have to keep in mind what most people want most of the time, and it's usually not what first comes to mind.