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Why's it easier to teach girls to code than teach ourselves to treat women well? (lizdenys.com)
28 points by lizdenys on Oct 7, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments


You seem to have made a habit of making comments like these:


Harassing those who have a perspective different than yours in tech does not make their issues cease to exist. The tech industry benefits from having a diverse set of perspectives.

Simply put: Every time you make a denial like this, the tech industry as a whole suffers.

It would be better to fix the guidelines so they didn't reflect the head-in-the-sand, elitist/conservative mindset you are complaining about. To generalize a bit, HN has a problem with dealing with dissenting views or with subjectivity full stop. If you think the above comment is damaging, how much damage do you think Peter Thiel's recent loony comments ("computers haven't improved our lives", "you should run your startup like a cult") have done to the perception of the industry? The current guidelines imply that any discussion of Thiel's views is off topic for HN.

I posted the guidelines, this submission contravenes them.

Back to Tumblr.

The original post I made is at -4, yet there is not a single comment discussing the article itself. How transparent.

Also from the guidelines:

"Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link."

I don't know if I am a member of the set "good hackers", but I found the submission interesting.

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