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Misleading headline... Why emphasise 'Everybody' in the headline when this is not the case?!

From the article: "out of 2250+ people in Yahoo SDC Bangalore, only 250 remain".

Well, if 250 people will remain (plus the "Yahoo India teams, which looks at Yahoo.in web properties [which] are untouched") then quite simply, this is not 'everybody'.

"Yahoo India is Laying Of 89% of it's workforce in India" is just as click-baity, but 100% more honest.

That's not even correct. Yahoo Software Development Center is either laying off or transferring 89% of its workforce to consolidate its engineering. There are other Yahoo operations intact, and Yahoo is still in the process of investing in Indian startups; at least they recently acquired Bookpad. The "everybody" part is just hyperbole.

I think the 250 are those who manage the Yahoo.in teams. It seems pretty legit (fwiw, I don't have any 'secret' information, but the rumour all over town - I live in Bangalore fwiw )

). And yes the headline is exaggerated a bit. Hey more clicks.

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