Location: Taipei
Technologies: JavaScript (AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS), Java, Python (Django)
Resume: http://tw.linkedin.com/in/ashishdasnurkar/
Email: ashish.dasnurkar@gmail.com
Currently looking for part-time/full-time REMOTE only. I have 10+ years professional work experience and I have full stack development experience with the technologies mentioned above. My recent work has been on a Ajax UI framework.
Contact me for more details
Location: Taipei
Technologies: JavaScript (AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS), Java, Python (Django)
Resume: http://tw.linkedin.com/in/ashishdasnurkar/
Email: ashish.dasnurkar@gmail.com
Currently looking for part-time/full-time REMOTE only. I have 10+ years professional work experience and I have full stack development experience with the technologies mentioned above. My recent work has been on a Ajax UI framework.
Contact me for more details