I saw it on NBC. The attitude of the anchor was "Oh, you are on camera 24/7 -- that's crazy -- and people are actually watching it -- you go to the bathroom, shower on camera -- that's crazy."
And the always cheap "You're probably getting more dates now..." and at the end, "Keep your shirt on, buddy" (in a mocking way).
It was pretty silly.
I thought Justin could've answered a little better -- he should have compared Justin.tv to the reality TV shows. When Survivor (the 1st big reality TV show) came out, it was crazy popular and of course the pundits were like, "Its all a fad...", blah, blah, blah. But of course, they were all wrong.
Like that, Justin should have marketed Justin.tv as the next generation in Reality TV, which couldn't happen on TV because of technology constraints -- it could only happen on the Net. And compare himself to the creator of Survivor, to give the public an image of the pioneer that he is and what he could accomplish....
This is huge publicity. I am shocked so much has happened so fast for Justin.tv.
Does anyone know much about the hardware they are using? I know Justin carries a backpack everywhere, which I assume contains a laptop with a wireless broadband card. Does anyone know what type of wireless network they use? They stream a fairly high quality video image even when completely mobile.
And the always cheap "You're probably getting more dates now..." and at the end, "Keep your shirt on, buddy" (in a mocking way).
It was pretty silly. I thought Justin could've answered a little better -- he should have compared Justin.tv to the reality TV shows. When Survivor (the 1st big reality TV show) came out, it was crazy popular and of course the pundits were like, "Its all a fad...", blah, blah, blah. But of course, they were all wrong.
Like that, Justin should have marketed Justin.tv as the next generation in Reality TV, which couldn't happen on TV because of technology constraints -- it could only happen on the Net. And compare himself to the creator of Survivor, to give the public an image of the pioneer that he is and what he could accomplish....
just my (cents 2)