Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords INTERN, REMOTE, or VISA if the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. Feel free to post any job that may interest HN readers from executive assistant to machine learning expert to CTO.
Please do not post recruiting firms or job boards.
Matasano Security / iSEC Partners
Job Title: Senior "three year endless winter whose storms rattle branches off world-tree, hearkening the end of this world, the rebirth of the next" Engineer.
Startup devs work to build things people want. Matasano team members work to break things people want.
This is, I expect, my last HN hiring post for Matasano. My last day is next Friday. Yggdrasil's branch has struck the world-serpent Jormungand, Heimdall strides towards the Gjallarhorn, the garbage around my desk is being picked up, the yeti pictures torn down.
I confidently recommend Matasano. The team is amazing. There are too many great people here to list, but let me talk about a couple. Do these sound like roles you'd like to play?
* The German PhD who hit the ground running as one of our best C/C++ vulnerability researchers, wrote the "idb" iOS analyzer, and schooled the rest of the team on timing attacks.
* The person we moved from DC to Chicago, along with their... notable... Windows driver security and exploit development skills.
* The Mountain View line-of-business web software dev we found who picked up a Rails CVE within an hour of looking at Rails for the first time.
* The Santa Cruz shorts-and-flip-flops-wearing RTOS spelunker and Microcorruption coauthor; that guy has seen some shit.
* The devops from STL who'd never so much as poked at a web app who implemented an impossibly tricky lattice-reduction+FFT cryptanalytic attack that Nate Lawson showed me as a joke, inside of a week.
* The Chicago .NET dev who found us on HN and wound up writing half the crypto challenges
I give up. This post would be 5000 words long if I tried to capture just one awesome thing about everyone I work with here. I will miss working with all of them terribly. You could be working with them now. I think you should!
As Patrick McKenzie once put it: "If I were looking for a day job, I wouldn't be looking for a day job any more: they're friendly, happy people who get social license to join the Dark Side, do smart stuff all day, and then go home while it is still light out.".
Matasano tries very, very hard to be cool about hiring. You can't waste their time, and they'll respect yours.