"It took him two months and seven thousand dollars, most of it donated, to build the tractor."
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.
Also, if you find the topic interesting, I highly recommend the techno-thriller duo of books, "Daemon" and "Freedom(TM)" by Daniel Suarez. They end up touching on this topic, by the second book.
Perhaps your understanding of the word is a little extreme. Self-sufficiency doesn't imply everyone has to survive on their own from day zero, starting naked and fisting trees to build a crafting table...
"It took him two months and seven thousand dollars, most of it donated, to build the tractor."
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.
Also, if you find the topic interesting, I highly recommend the techno-thriller duo of books, "Daemon" and "Freedom(TM)" by Daniel Suarez. They end up touching on this topic, by the second book.