The dependency on bower is stated explicitly. The dependencies that bower manages itself are easily discoverable in bower.json. I don't see why a call to bower is any more of a problem than any other build step, e.g. make.
I get that having a standard format (let's say "dependencies", "devDependencies", and "peerDependencies" as properties of a json file) would make somebody's life easier, but it's not clear that is the same set of somebodies who develop and use all these package managers.
> I don't see why a call to bower is any more of a problem than any other build step, e.g. make.
Because dependency management is a separate problem from building. I need to be able to see what, exactly, every package depends on, and to be able to operate on that, to be able to deploy my system, and in order to know what exactly it is that I'm running.
Figuring out what my dependencies are at the same time as building my system leads to near-constant breakage, and I couldn't even figure out "am I using this package somewhere or not?" because there's no central package database when using npm/pypi/whatever else. How am I supposed to figure out whether my system is secure if I can't figure out what's installed on it to match against the CVE databases?
Today, I solve this with an extremely hackish set of scripts (npm2nix, pypi2nix, etc) and a lot of manual overrides to specify dependencies between bits of code written in different languages, and wrap that into one package database. Operating system distributors are forced to do the same.
> I get that having a standard format (let's say "dependencies", "devDependencies", and "peerDependencies" as properties of a json file) would make somebody's life easier, but it's not clear that is the same set of somebodies who develop and use all these package managers.
As a user of package managers, it would make my life easier if everybody would actually define all their dependencies in such a way that I can run an automated tool against a list of packages and discover every single package, so that I can wrap them into a DVD for offline installation, or figure out whether I'm vulnerable to something, or convert them for use with my own package manager, or whatever else I want to do.
I get that having a standard format (let's say "dependencies", "devDependencies", and "peerDependencies" as properties of a json file) would make somebody's life easier, but it's not clear that is the same set of somebodies who develop and use all these package managers.