I'd be surprised if most jeans for women have back pockets that could comfortably fit an iPhone 6. They're generally design additions rather than serious pockets.
> I'd be surprised if most jeans for women have back pockets that could comfortably fit an iPhone 6.
The rear pocket in women's jeans might be able to accept an iPhone 6, but only if the woman's rear isn't present at the same time.
It's interesting that "cargo" pockets, located on the side of the pants at mid-hip height, are popular right now, because that's a much better and safer place for a phone than the back pockets.
The thing with back pockets is that the phone can stick up out of the pocket and stay in there. So the amount of pocket you need for that to work is reduced.
Membership in the group of people who wear pants with non-functional pockets is elective. That said, I think we all know what the original poster actually meant, and this subthread isn’t illuminating anything.