I have no expectations. Yours seem to lead to a great deal of suffering for yourself, that's why I'm curious as to why you cling to them so fiercely. As you say, you need a good reason to continue doing something. You should stop, e.g. living, if you're not getting anything out of it. If having your expectations is not benefiting you, why not stop having them?
> Yours seem to lead to a great deal of suffering for yourself
I'm not the one suffering over whether anyone else would expect anything out of life or not. I particularly enjoy life, so you are wrong even about that. Too.
But I understand anyone not enjoying life wanting to end it.
> If having your expectations is not benefiting you, why not stop having them?
My body expects air. My body expecting air is not benefiting it underwater. Your conclusion is my body should stop expecting air underwater.
Your body doesn't expect air. Expecting something is a function of consciousness. Your body doesn't expect air any more than an engine expects gasoline. So no, that's not my conclusion unless you grossly misuse the word "expect".
You can't change your body's need for oxygen. You can change the way you think.
So all pain is equivalent? Is that what you're saying? Any experience of pain is a rational excuse to kill yourself? I guess if you stub your toe, you may as well end it all, then.
Yes, and your basic point that if it ever seems to you like you'd be better off dead then you should kill yourself, is frankly, outright irresponsible and idiotic. Especially with a disease like depression where one of the symptoms is that things seem more hopeless than they really are. In a community that has lost more than its fair share of members to suicide, this is a stance I really can't comprehend.
You're in charge of your expectations, leave mine alone!