The quality of discussion about procrastination is shockingly low. Try telling people you're reading a book on procrastination, and some joker will say, "Ha! Ironic, right? Get it?" And everyone will chuckle good-naturedly at the thought of someone procrastinating by reading a book on procrastination.
No one stops to examine why we should assume someone reading a book is shirking their duties. Even watching a YouTube video is not inherently an act of procrastination. If anything, our culture has an epidemic of people not being able to relax without being filled with guilt and shame over their momentary lack of productivity.
No one stops to examine why we should assume someone reading a book is shirking their duties. Even watching a YouTube video is not inherently an act of procrastination. If anything, our culture has an epidemic of people not being able to relax without being filled with guilt and shame over their momentary lack of productivity.