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In the wireless data sector, which operates under separate and looser "net neutrality" rules, there are already packages to allow "unlimited" access to preferred applications.

T-mobile does this[1] as well as Virgin[2]. Scroll down to see packages like:

* "Unlimited Instagram — Monthly $5.00"

* "Unlimited Pinterest — Monthly $5.00"

* "Unlimited Social — Monthly $15.00"

If you are a web or app startup, it's gonna be might hard to get people to use your product when they can use Facebook or other preferred apps for free.

Sure, the above plans are made for low income demographics but it is a looking glass of what the ISP/telecom companies view as the future of the internet.

[1] http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/18/5822996/t-mobile-music-fre...

[2] http://www.virginmobileusa.com/custom/#/

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