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Fleet is used only to bootstrap the system. It has very little to do with the larger architecture of stampede or cattle. I view orchestration and scheduling as two completely different topics. When looking at IaaS the scheduling needs are initially quite simple. As such I don't have a mature scheduler and really don't intend on building one. As your requirements mature the needs for more complex scheduling is needed. I've gone down that path many times and it snowballs so quickly into a very difficult problem.

With cattle I’ve purposely decided to defer the scheduling needs to something like Mesos or possibly YARN. I don’t intend to try to reinvent that wheel. I have yet to do that integration.

The CF Diego approach is one that seem very common today. In general all of the Docker “orchestration” platforms out there today are mostly just Docker plus a scheduler. This approach is great, as long as you don’t need complex orchestration. As the CF folks point out, complex orchestration is hard. If you can remove the need to orchestrate and build a system that needs only a scheduler it is generally much simpler and easier to scale.

The problem I have is that stampede focuses heavily on real world application loads and boring practical issues that exist in crufty old applications that exist in the wild. These apps have requirements that necessitate complex orchestration. As such, with stampede I tackle orchestration head on. I try to find a sane and scalable approach to it. Which is really quite difficult, but it is my area of expertise. I feel if I have a platform that can excel at both orchestration (from the native capabilities of cattle) and scheduling (by leveraging a mature scheduler framework) I’ll have an extremely capable base to build the next generation of infrastructure.

Thanks for the clarification and insight :) I was mistakenly under the impression that stampede was utilizing Fleet's scheduling abilities.. Assumptions :[

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