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"Security in internet software and protocols were often just not considered at all in that time..." I find that a rather perplexing issue with many, especially software based products and research. How do you, in early, usually time, effort, support, and resource constrained stages of a project or research discover and identify all dependencies and requirements to the best of your knowledge so that there is not a type of runaway train effect where momentum is gained and speed is accumulated but it is frequently overlooked that there are all kinds of things like security, anonymity, etc. that are not being considered even though they will invariably become monumentally important.

Take the internet today in general as a huge example of that issue; it was never developed with anonymity or privacy or security in mind and here ware are, horrified of even just the tip of the iceberg that was revealed through Manning and Snowden. If the early researchers and engineers had built the early technologies with fundamental, most basic human considerations in mind we might not be looking down the barrel of a dystopian dawn.

So my question is whether anyone is aware of a method, procedures, techniques, etc. to plan for such a paradox?

If you look at early RFCs, you will see that if they mention security considerations at all, it's often just to mention that they haven't been addressed at all.

Specifically, the literal string "Security issues are not discussed in this memo.' is found 568 times in the 3000 first RFCs. (6 times in the RFCs from 3000 to 5887).

When searchers were inventing the internet, they just put aside security considerations. In a way, security was enforced at the boundary, by universities controlling their teachers and students who could use it.

When the internet becomes a public network, where anybody can send packets on it, of course security considerations become a priority, but the protocols weren't designed for security. Like IPv6, we'd need to design a new set of protocols for this public internet, taking into account security considerations as a priority.

But given the speed with which IPv6 is adopted, you can guess with what readiness a new set of secure protocols will be adopted (you'd also have to be able to trust them, that no NSA or other backdoor is hardwired in those new protocols).

In short, this is not a simple situation and there is no simple solution.

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