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Visual Studio 2014 is already much better.


Last time I checked, outside most C++ compilers were still catching up with C++11.

There are more C++ compilers out there than just clang and gcc. Even those aren't 100% compliant at library level, if I am not mistaken.

Actually Clang is fully C++14 compliant, and already has some C++1z features, and gcc only need a few more patches.

It must have been a while since you last checked. Many of the features listed here as banned because of lack of VisualStudio support have been available in gcc and clang for years.

GCC 4.9.1, was released on 2014-07-16.

Still quite a few rows with N.


I was only wrong about clang.

So my point still holds for gcc, and it doesn't change the fact, that there are more compilers out there than the triad clang, gcc, vc++.

Not everyone has the most recent versions of the compilers, either; my institution is still working on the upgrade path from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS, so I had to get a modern gcc manually compiled to get proper C++11 support, because nothing in the 12.04 package manager had full support.

> VS14 RTM (which, as a reminder, is scheduled for 2015)

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