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>Yes. Don't use shell for data transmission.

That isn't sufficient. Your argument means you can't use shell for anything. If you can't trust it not to execute the contents of a variable, then it should never be used other than on isolated systems where the data it processes comes from completely controlled sources. Using the shell becomes the equivalent of using the gets() function in C.

That means a complete redesign of all linux distros, for a start. You are going to have to some better justification for throwing away an entire operating system ecosystem just to preserve a behaviour in bash that basically nobody uses.

Granted, this export -f feature of bash needs a different, safe, implementation.

But otherwise, in the context of the internet of today, yes, we'd need a completely different operating system (perhaps something based on capabilities). Unix indeed doesn't seem to be good enough for a safe internet.

If we could say that there are N bugs, and with openssh and this bash bug, we only need to correct N-2 bugs and we'll be fine, then perhaps we could keep unix (and similar systems).

But it just looks like it's more a systemic problem (indeed not specifically an apache bug, or a X or Y bug, but bugs emerging from the interaction between two or more components in the unix ecosystem), therefore if we don't change the fundamentals, we cannot exclude that we will keep introducing and discovering this kind of bugs again and again.

Shell executes the contents of variables by design, and users use it everyday - ever had a PS1 with backticks or a subshell? If you don't wish for it to do so (which is reasonable), fine, but you will break compatibility and throw away that entire ecosystem of tools (which may also be reasonable).

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