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I think you're just trolling, but I'll respond as if you're sincere.

Software developers spend hours every day writing code, dozens of hours each week, hundreds of hours each year. It's only natural to care about the tools you spend hundreds and thousands of hours using.

We talk about vim and emacs so much because they are the most powerful popular editors, in terms of being flexible and customizable. There's a limit to how many "editor workflows" one can use with Sublime (though Sublime is great) or Visual Studio or XCode or whatever. Not so with vim and emacs. They both also have decades of plugins and hardening. It's only natural that developers who prefer OSS and jump around amongst different languages and platforms would gravitate towards vim and emacs.

Those of us who love one of those two editors (vim, in my case) are often very curious to see how the other side lives, what workflows they use, etc. That curiosity is a great thing. Trying to improve your skills is a great thing. Stop complaining about it.

If you don't care or maybe used to care but are now soooooo over it, then just don't freaking open the comments, right? This topic is totally germane to HN and interesting to many of us.

You know, I agree that I shouldn't care. That was a momentary sentiment.

Either way, I use vim, and, as a result, I have to listen to pro-and-con debates unwillingly... all the time. At the time, this was an example.

In actuality there is no right answer to what browser is best. Personally, I think vim is fast and easier-on-the-hands than emacs. In particular, I never have to lift my hands from the main row, where in emacs I too-frequently have to press combinations of keys and shift my positioning.

This all comes from someone who originally used emacs, then converted to vim.

I hear ya. I actually hate listening to pointless debates about vim vs emacs too – especially if it's among coworkers or some situation I can't just ignore.

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