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Try terminal Vim. I don't use MacVim and have very few issues with sluggishness.

I started with terminal Vim, began having issues with redraws, and made the switch. I find that MacVim is faster and more stable.

Try switching to a different terminal app. I get excellent performance running vim and my entire dev environment in tmux. I also find that the performance is pretty consistent whether I use chrome-ssh, cygwin, gnome-terminal or konsole. Honestly, I'd be surprised if any modern GUI toolkit could compete with a curses app in terms of display performance.

MacVim is faster, except when it's not? :P

I wonder if the redraw issues were the fault of your terminal emulator rather than vim. I don't have a lot of MacOS experience, though.

I use MacVim in the Terminal as well as a GUI.

Try putting `set lazyredraw` in your .vimrc

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