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Introducing Elm Reactor (elm-lang.org)
148 points by michaelbjames on Sept 24, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Pretty nice. I actually have a big thank you to Elm as I based my Clojurescript time travelling debugger on the initial Elm demo!



That's really cool.

For the connecttous.co link it would be nice if it was clear that it will actually send email to the addresses entered in the fields - it's not just a demo/toy. I may have inadvertently spammed someone when I was playing around with it.

Sorry, it actually works. The point of the demo is to show the Coils framework works end to end, and has full MailChimp/Mandrill email integration too

Wow. It's cool that it shows you which part was re-rendered. And it's great to see that my Elm prototype inspired someone.

Glad you like it! I think your Elm framework has inspired alot of people. Elm and LightTable (the Clojurescript development environment) are my two big sources of ideas right now! Thanks to you! :)

This looks great. I have recently started a simple physics-based rope swinging game in Elm. It's a lovely language to use, but I have found the workflow quite frustrating. I love the "try elm" editor on the website for the quick feedback loop, however the text editor itself is basic. For this reason I find myself writing larger blocks of code in emacs, and then copying and pasting between the browser for debugging. Not ideal.

I will try this program later, and even if it's not currently quite there feature wise, it definitely looks like it has a lot of potential facilitate a great development experience.

If you open a file with Elm Reactor, and edit it and save it then Elm Reactor will get notified by that and recompile the code in the browser. See the first video in the blog post.

This is great! And it's awesome that someone on an internship could do this. Great work Michael! :)

I can't load the page without Javascript enabled in my browser. It's a shame that I need to enable JS to view what's really some text on a page.

Are you sure it's not your modem? (Consider upgrading to 9600 baud.)

Outstanding work!

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