Interestingly, it looks like the Go library uses structs rather than `map[string]interface{}`, even though the Java library was recently criticised for its usage of `Map<String, Object>`[0], a decision defended by the developer[1] on grounds that "[they] add new parameters to the API frequently, so it's a tradeoff to avoid devs needing to update stripe-java every time."
There's a tradeoff space here, as that tweet indicates. Doing things generically makes the library less idiomatic, but means developers don't need to churn their library dependency as often. Go's a different language from Java, and it's less common to have to deal with casting, etc. As that tweet conversation indicates (particularly, we're also considering changing the Java library implementation in the future.
My sense is that the Go developer culture is a lot more open to frequently updating their dependencies than the Java developer culture. Fetching dependencies from git is built into Go, after all.
AFAIK GSON (which stripe-java users) also ignores fields which are not present in the destination type, but the original post was about parameters so that's not even relevant: deserialisation would only be relevant for responses.
Honestly parsing json as map[string]interface{}, rather than using a struct is a major pain in the butt.
I'm currently doing a project that takes json, with no predefined structure, or at least very varying struct and transforms it. Dealing with checking for keys and doing type conversion it's that much fun. The same project need to parse an XML file, with a clear and defined structure, it took something like five minutes and work on my first try.
I don't think you would need to update the Go library in the case of just adding new parameters, not if the parameter can be excluded. The json parser should just skip that value, it won't be available to you of cause, but it should break the parser. Given that I haven't touched Java in 10 years I don't know how Java deals with unexpected parameters.
Isn't this generally done anytime you don't know the structure of the json document that will be unmarshalled? If a new field is added and you're parsing to a struct that struct will have to be changed to accommodate that field, rather than letting it happen anonymously as through an interface.