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They scheduled him for a only an hour (even though his talks are usually 2-3 hours) and chased him off the stage when he went over time. It's odd that even Oculus doesn't seem to be treating him with the level of respect he deserves.

He's going to talk off stage for another hour or two while the stage is empty during lunch. Hopefully they'll learn for their next event.

I don't think it's that they lack respect for him. I would attribute it more to having a schedule for the event that they need to stick to.

No one who works for Microsoft would bump Bill Gates off stage against his express wishes. Or Zuckerberg. Later in the same stream Palmer Luckey (founder of Oculus) was cut off even more rudely when he tried to allow one more question before a break. He was visibly upset.

Palmer Luckey and John Carmack should be in undisputed control of Oculus. These slick suits who invaded should all leave now that they've made tons of money. Leave the genuinely passionate people to their work.

Checked out the stream. The guy who cut off Palmer Luckey is Nate Mitchell, Oculus's VP of Product, and is one of the cofounders. The way he said "no" to one more question a little awkward, but it's a stretch to attribute it to Facebook.

Did they not realize they ate from Facebook's hand and now they're Facebook's little bitches?

Don't blame the suits. Palmer knew what he was taking. It's hard to tell if Carmack knew about the sellout before it happened.

These types of scenarios have been around for thousands of years. It's only recently that you can follow them live, though. Fascinating stuff.

Facebook is now in charge. These guys won't stick around forever, and they'll make tons of money regardless.

Carmack has said publicly that he wasn't involved in the negotiations and found out after the fact.


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