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It's nice that they add support for HRTFs.

Now all that's missing is a cheap and scalable way to measure or measure a person's HRTF.

Maybe somebody could develop a mash-up of these two excellent products for a "personal ear casting system":



When I worked at Interval Research Corporation, they had one of those in the lab (the Kemar mannequin, not the CreateAMate kit), and it was really creepy!

And no, the Kemar mannequin is NOT to be used as an aural sex toy. It's totally legit!


"If KEMAR was not part of your life already from 1972, you can catch up with the timeline we made to highlight KEMAR's evolution. Many things may have changed in our lives, but KEMAR remains the same: your faithful friend and up-to-date manikin for acoustic research."

One of its uses is to make your own Head Related Transfer Function by casting a pair of rubber ears (pinnae), plugging them into the head, and recording their response to sounds. They are also great fun to dress up and accessorize at parties. And they give you a totally legitimate excuse for when you are caught walking around with a briefcase full of rubber ears.

The timeline pictures for 2013 show it "assembled, calibrated and delivered as a complete out-of-the-box system" that would be a blast to carry through airport security.

Mark my words: some day, everyone will own one of these awesome things. Kickstarter, anyone? ;)






I would love to have seen the wild parties at this conference:


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