300k for 25M sounds too little, almost like having a muffin for a wedding cake.
But your question is very valid. Also valid are mine:
1) How many of those pigs are of edible age/weight? vs how many are still little piglets.
2) How many of those Egyptians are of chewing age (i.e. how many are not toddlers or toothless senior citizens unable to chew bacon.)
See, anybody can practice sophistry with little effort. We can debate this forever, but let's do each other a favor, shall we? Here is a quest:
Find ONE Egyptian coptic recipe with pork. Just one dish. Google for the rest of your life, call the Egyptian embassy in your country and summon the expat Coptic community. Why stop at copts? Go for all Arab Christian groups. Fact: pork is something the urban poor just resorted to recently, never part of their heritage or long-term diet.
Excellent finding there with the second link. But please note that the Maghrebees are dogs as well, an exception in all mediteranean, semitic, ancient-egyptian and abrahimi traditions: these clearly are not representative of the larger community of the inhabitants of this region; they were either pushed by extreme hunger, or it's a culture brought in from other parts of the region (excepting consumption of these meets for medicinal or ritual purposes.)
But I'm sure it's all just a conspiracy of lies ;0)>
I never alluded to conspiracy, don't put words in my mouth.
mahmud: There hasn't been pork eaten anywhere in Egypt for the last 1500 years or so.
mahmud: Fact: pork is something the urban poor just resorted to recently, never part of their heritage or long-term diet.
So which is the fact? That pork hasn't been eaten in Egypt for 1500 years or that it has only been eaten their recently.
You know what water hasn't been drunk in Egypt since the time of the pharoahs - go on prove me wrong find a Egyptician recipe for water ...
The recipe for pork is this. Take pig, cook over heat, eat. Also people who survive on garbage don't use recipe books.
Here you go - http://bit.ly/porkpork - Islam Online's (very clearly biased) article reporting a priest to have advised Egyptian Christians to stop eating pork. It's from 2007. It doesn't strictly say that people do, but does say they shouldn't - it could have been an entirely unnecessary edict but for any sane person it's sufficient to show pork was being eaten in large enough quantities for prelates to comment on and for Islamic news groups to report.
Nope, "Egypt's Christians are divided over a piece of advice given by Pope Shenouda III, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, who urged followers not to eat pork over health reasons."
All the quotes are from Egyptians including several church leaders in Egypt.
I love the "Scientists say" editorialising in it too ... hilarious.
Why are you assuming they only eat pork?