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Ask HN: Do people still read the web in F-Shaped patterns?
3 points by brm on Sept 15, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Simple question... Are people still paying attention web pages in f-shaped patterns? http://www.nngroup.com/articles/f-shaped-pattern-reading-web-content/

Has the shape changed with the ubiquity of smart phones and tablets?

Anyone run a high traffic site and have data or can share an insight?

Has new research been done? Most articles I read still cite Nielsen and use Nielsen's graphics...

I run eyemap.io and in our early stage testing (about 30 people played with it so far), yes, generally that's the case, though pictures draw peoples' attentions more. Especially if they're of faces.

Excellent this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

Is this run on Heroku?

Nope. It's in full concierge mode right now. We're still tweaking and hoping to get a study out

The reason why I asked is because I've been using Heroku for a few applications and I always seem to notice a slight delay when I navigate to a URL (they don't keep your server running if no one has accessed the app in over an hour) and I noticed a delay when I visited your page so I was merely curious.

What's concierge mode?

What does concierge mode mean?

it means everything is manual. I manually process the videos test "clients" send me

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