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That could have been played up in the article more, to be sure, and I would have liked that, but a well educated reader might recognize the passage below from the article as a reference to that issue.

"Today in the U.S. there are some 60 million of those cobrahead streetlamps blazing pink-peach all night long, heedless of inactivity below and absurdly lighting the sky above. Forty percent of the average city’s electric bill goes to street lighting, and close to half of that is wasted. Excessive outdoor lighting, including exterior fixtures on office and industrial buildings, wastes about $3.5 billion in energy per year, according to the International Dark-Sky Association, a not-for-profit that works to reduce light pollution."

Night sky viewing is sure the first thing I thought of when I read the article, and perhaps it was the first thing you thought of too. Lots of us here on HN are fans of astronomy and space exploration.

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