It seems like the basic idea could be used for anything. There's nothing about zooming that makes it particularly appropriate for a book launch; a simple comic would do to mark the occasion and Pixels could have launched later. So the use of this idea for this project is a choice and the deadline is entirely self-imposed.
(Also I do enjoy the occasional hackathon, though I won't stay up late for it. I'll stay up late for entirely different and probably just as bad reasons.)
It seems like the basic idea could be used for anything. There's nothing about zooming that makes it particularly appropriate for a book launch; a simple comic would do to mark the occasion and Pixels could have launched later. So the use of this idea for this project is a choice and the deadline is entirely self-imposed.
(Also I do enjoy the occasional hackathon, though I won't stay up late for it. I'll stay up late for entirely different and probably just as bad reasons.)