Yum! There are some really great-looking gradients here. I would love to have an easy way to see them at different scales, though. I'd want to see, for example, how a gradient that looks great over the full width of the browser window looks as the background of a smaller element.
FYI, If you click the "Add Gradient" button while the "Get CSS Code" dialog is still visible, the "Add Gradient" dialog will pop-in behind the css dialog making it not visible.
Really simple to use - nice job. Maybe a way to throw in a sample page with some different text/typography/colors/sizes so you can really see how it would work.
It was only 15 days ago when I changed the background in my app to use a gradient [1], and I still think it makes it look much nicer.
[1] https://github.com/shurcooL/Conception-go/commit/92ed6d952f0...