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> 3) It's not $590, it's $1500 (or more).

Just wanting to point this out, but the price for a single developer, with support included, is currently $590 according to this page: http://shop.highsoft.com/highcharts.html

> 4) Not many people pay for libraries or frameworks anymore, when open source alternatives are either better or just good enough.

Not many, sure. But then again, they aren't going for lots of smaller people, but instead, fewer large companies. This is smart, since they are pushing support services as well.

>> 3) It's not $590, it's $1500 (or more).

>Just wanting to point this out, but the price for a single developer, with support included, is currently $590 according to this page: http://shop.highsoft.com/highcharts.html

OEM licence costs more than $1500.

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