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> To be honest, the one I perceive (as a straight, white, middle-class, educated male) larger is the misandristic one. As a person who strives to be good and helpful to every human being equally, regardless of race, gender, orientation or whatever, I get everyday on the Internet and I get flooded by articles and comments saying that everything I do or think is misogynistic, wrong and overprivileged.

This is just another not-all-men complaint. Certainly if you are a man who doesn't do the things someone is complaining about, then you have nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, the things you are doing on the internet are wrong and misogynistic, in which case people are sending you articles and comments for a reason.

> Unless, of course, the things you are doing on the internet are wrong and misogynistic, in which case people are sending you articles and comments for a reason.

Fortunately no one sends me anything like that, they just end up in my news feed as I have many friends involved in feminism/minority movements, and because local media loves to spin everything as gender issues.

> Certainly if you are a man who doesn't do the things someone is complaining about, then you have nothing to worry about.

Well, even if one has nothing to worry about personally, it's just tiring and demotivating to see all those broad accusations all the time. sigh

> Well, even if one has nothing to worry about personally, it's just tiring and demotivating to see all those broad accusations all the time. sigh

You do realize that when people talk about men as a class, that isn't the same thing as a personal accusation, right?

Yes, yes it is. Same as if someone referred to all women as a class. It's not fair to generalize about all women. It's not fair to generalize about all men. If you refer to men as a class, you're inherently being just as unfair as if you do the same to women.

Yikes! I don't think that argument would work for any other "class" of people.

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