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As a developer, this setup just brings all the distractions right in front of me :) What's going on my phone is not that important during the day, it can most probably wait an hour or so until I check it. A tablet is a pure entertainment device for me, it belongs to couch, toilet or bed, not to my desktop (otherwise that FTL icon will bug me all day).

On the other hand, this might be a good gadget for, say, sales people using tablets on the go and sync at the office. I'm most probably out of target audience for this device.

well, im a developer and can see how I'd use this. It'll actually save a lil time when I'm coding and my gf's IMing me and I cant tell her to go away :D. She wouldn't even know I'm doing something else with the fast replies.

I don't know how it's over on the iOS devices, but with my Macbook/android setup I use mysms for texts, WiFi keyboard for long passwords and couple.me for texting with my girlfriend. Back when msn live still was a thing I used Adium but I can't bear to have skype open all the time since it's impossible to make the window smaller, at least now I can use Fluidapp and use couple.me as a sort-of native app and resize it to my liking. And my girlfriend likes couple.me since it has all these neat little things such as thumbkiss, stickers, easy photo sharing... etc.

A long time i've been thinking about getting an external keyboard for my phone since I don't really like a touchscreen when it comes to typing. But this keyboard over a mechanical keyboard isn't really an upgrade if you ask me. Better get a good coding keyboard! And if you really are thinking about self-improvement when it comes to coding and working behind your pc, I'd always suggest Steve Losh his article: http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/a-modern-space-cadet/

MySMS: http://www.mysms.com/

WiFikeyboard: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volosyukiv...

Couple.me: https://couple.me/

> A long time i've been thinking about getting an external keyboard for my phone

I really like this one: http://www.amazon.com/ZAGG-FOLZKFLEXSLV-Zagg-ZAGGkeys-FLEX/d...

I keep it in my pocket. Goes a few months on a single charge. It has made my phones entirely more useful to me. That said, a rotary switch would be pretty nice on this thing...

Did you know there are IM clients for the desktop? Also, there are girlfriends who respect the space for concentration and work, but I understand that switching girlfriend is not as easy as downloading adium…

Yes, I tried getting pigdin for whatsapp client on linux to work, but for some reason it doesn't work anymore because the OTP hack thing isnt working. :-/ I'll have another go at it maybe .. Windows and Mac there are plenty.. And its also about the fact that switching between another handheld device back and forth is a pain. I don't want to let go off my keyboard.

IM is way worse than 10 years ago. Everybody is on proprietary, locked down systems - Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp and whatnot. Adium was great back in the day but now it's incompatible with most of the chats I need to be in.

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