I provided plenty of facts and logic behind my statements. Did you even follow my link? And how do you refute my claims? You label them "grandiloquent" and say I must be wearing too much tinfoil. I bow deeply to your logic, reason and debate skills.
It's obvious from your comment history that you're a Google fanboy. And an Amazon fanboy. And an Apple hater. Good luck with that.
> I provided plenty of facts and logic behind my statements.
No, you don't. A claim it is not a fact or proof.
> It's obvious from your comment history that you're a Google fanboy. And an Amazon fanboy. And an Apple hater. Good luck with that.
Well, perhaps it is obvious to people like you, that only have a black and white world and everything not agreeing with you is because a paid shill or a hater.
None of your post give any single proof, just some grandiloquent claims.
[Too many people here have a salary dependent on advertising, or an identity dependent on Google fanboyism.]
Tinfoil too much?