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A possible interesting side-effect of really learning Asm is that you start discovering just how horrible compilers/high-level languages actually are at exploiting the full capabilities of the machine, despite "common wisdom" suggesting the opposite. I started with Asm, and when I eventually decided to learn C, I remember the first time I looked at the compiler output of a program I'd written, compiled with full optimisation, I was astounded. Unnecessary moves and other instructions, very poor register utilisation, and blindness to status flags were just some of the things that compiled programs regularly contained.

This was many years ago, but I still see the same today. I do RE so I've read a lot of compiler output, and I've seen some isolated instances where a compiler did something "clever" (Intel's is not bad at this), but it tends to be rare and it's easy to see the rest of the code still has that "compiler-generated" feel to it.

I said "really learning" above, because I think there's two ways that people are learning Asm: the first, which is probably more common, is that they only learn the ways in which compilers generate instructions. Those who learn the first way would likely not do any better job than a compiler if asked to write a program, and not see the inefficiency of compiler-generated code, so they wouldn't find any particular advantages to using Asm.

On the other hand, I believe that if you learn Asm by starting with the machine itself, independent of any HLL, then you don't get any preconceived notions of what it can and cannot do, which leads to what I'd call "real Asm programming." Then you can see the inefficiencies in compiler-generated code and what HLL abstractions introduce, and can easily beat the compiler in size or speed (often both). Good hand-written Asm has a very different look to it than compiler output.

This is especially true if you manage to find a novel solution that just wouldn't exist when the hardware capabilities are abstracted away by a high level language.

For some entertaining examples of what Asm can do that compilers cannot, look at the sub-1k categories in the demoscene:

http://www.pouet.net/prodlist.php?type%5B%5D=32b&type%5B%5D=... One of my favourites: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3397

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