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Maybe California should re-evaluate their relationship with agriculture.

"But California grows so much of our nation's food! What would we eat without them!" you exclaim. Well, I actually agree with you. For the sake of a stable society, it is important that our supply of food remain uninterrupted. Food is essential to the US, and California is essential to the US's food supply.

Fucking pistachios are not though. Tax the ever-loving shit out of any farmer growing bullshit luxury crops like that, and quit blaming regular Californian citizens who just want to take a nice shower after a hard days work for all the missing water.

Oh, and somebody fix the "save water" propaganda to include some notion of watersheds and aquifers. I've met 3 people recently who don't understand that my [mis]use of fresh water has fuck all to do with California's water supply. I am sick of explaining that my supply of water neither flows out of nor into California.

Or people could just eat a little less beef, which takes 100,000 liters to produce just one kilogram. [1]

1: http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/1997/08/us-could-feed-80...

Cattle is raised in places that are technically desert, like Montana, without requiring any water beyond natural rain fall. They eat the hardy natural grasses of the area. If the land was plowed to grow grains or any other human palatable vegetable crop, the soil would dry up and blow away, becoming desert like other over farmed areas like the Middle East.

Certainly there are sustainable farming methods, but it doesn't change the fact that industrial factory farms are a reality.

My comment was that simply eating less beef would have a huge impact on the environment. I'm not advocating that we replace cattle farms with wheat fields, nor am I advocating that people go vegetarian.

This really should be the top post in this thread.

They are restricting water to residents to benefit farmers. i.e. it's about money, not water.

Yet this greenwashing is tricking virtually everyone. And add in the fines they levy for over use of water and it's blindingly obvious this is about money not water.

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