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>This is not a feature for a programmer to use to make their work easier

It makes it possible to use C definitions directly and inline with no conversion overhead or indirection. When your work is writing fast code, the ability to leverage existing fast code damned well is a feature.

>C++ is like mold >you don't want it, precisely because this is the most efficient life form compatible with your stale food

You don't want mold because it causes respiratory and neurological problems. C++ does not cause respiratory or neurological problems, unless you count the insanity it inherited from C like, "A character is the same thing as a byte," "A pointer is the same thing as an array" (which isn't even actually true within the language, unless you count parameter declarations), and my personal favourite, "The mathematical value of false, the cardinality of the empty set, and the identity of nothing are all the same thing. After all, they have the same representation!"

> [Compatibility with C] makes it possible to use C definitions directly and inline with no conversion overhead or indirection. When your work is writing fast code, the ability to leverage existing fast code damned well is a feature.

That is achieved with ABI compatibility. You don't need source compatibility however. At worst, you'd have to re-write the prototype of the C function in your own syntax-incompatible language.

Think of it as a zero-overhead FFI.

>re-write the prototype

>ABI compatibility

In other words, conversion overhead and indirection, respectively. There is no substitute for having an inline definition available at the point of use.

Oh. I thought you were talking about runtime overhead. "Fast code" and all.

Well if you're worried about writing overhead, there are many FFIs out there that parse the header you want so you don't have to repeat anything.

But if you believe for a nanosecond that we need source-level compatibility to get the benefits of inlining… Just remember how C++ first worked: as a pre-processor, that generated C code! So it's all C underneath, and GCC and LLVM and MSVC and ICC can all do their crazy optizations accros the whole project, should you need that.

And in any case, C++ is no longer source-compatible with C. And it no longer work as a pre-processor either. Yet I doubt it has the disadvantage you talk about. C++ has many faults, but overhead with the C FFI is not one of them. Which means we have an existence proof for the assersion that source-level compatibility is. not. needed.

>if you believe for a nanosecond that we need source-level compatibility to get the benefits of inlining

You do. Yes, there's LTO, but to do it effectively relies on storing source code or information derived from it in the intermediate object files. Without the source, the best you can do is try to inline what is hopefully a reasonably well-behaved hunk of object code without any of the high-level information associated with it that the compiler threw away when it emitted it.

>C++ has many faults, but overhead with the C FFI is not one of them [...]

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but if you're talking about the runtime overhead of calling an extern C function, then that is very much a fault. Inlining can make all the difference in the world with respect to performance in an inner loop, the classic example being qsort and std::sort, and to take advantage of that, source-level compatibility is needed.

Now, if you said that source-level compatibility were better achieved using a fully-fledged FFI than by stuffing all but the worst (well, some of the worst) of C into your language, I would whole-heartedly agree with you. If C++ had done the former, it would be a much cleaner, much less popular language, and instead of using a warty language with templates, useful user-defined datatypes, and function overloading, we'd all be using a warty language without templates, useful user-defined datatypes, or function overloading. Hell, many of us still do anyway.

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