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I know and deeply respect people on both sides of that controversy and also believe that the tide of equality for LGBT people is one of the great civil liberties success stories of the last 25 years.

Without inadvertently casting aspersions on anyone who holds the opposing opinion, I think running someone out of a company because they hold a political opinion incompatible with your ethics is itself an unethical act. I wish I could be sticking up for someone with a more apparently ethical opinion (I don't really know the details of Eich's politics), but that's where I'm at.

During the Eich debate, it was helpful for me to remember that I am not --- contrary, I know, to all the signals I generate in public --- required to hold an express an opinion about every controversy.

That's probably a misstatement of your opinion: you almost certainly draw the line somewhere (or at least I would be quite surprised if you didn't), eg white power advocates, racism against blacks or jews, anti-women's equality, anti-disabled rights; but don't include gay rights as equally important.

I wrote an answer explaining how this attempt to summarize my beliefs was inaccurate but then decided that it was inappropriate to allow the thread to become a tangent about how I do or do not fully support gay rights. I stand by my previous answer.

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