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Implementing a "sketch" style of rendering in webGL (floored.com)
98 points by uptown on Aug 27, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

12 years ago for Quake:



Loved it back then. A bit harder if you don't have shaders, too.


It'd be awesome to see hatching that wasn't aligned to the particular planes, but rather the camera normal. That'd give it more of a "Take On Me" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914) look.

Not sure what you mean by "camera normal" though I suppose you've kind of specified a pair of intersecting planes for each surface point... This is an interesting area. Some discussion in Hertzmann and Zorin's paper from a few years ago (not realtime) http://www.mrl.nyu.edu/publications/illustrating-smooth/hert...

This is really beautiful. However, be warned, the webGL widget completely froze my Firefox (on OSX), I had to kill the process to recover. No problem in Chrome though.

My general experience with WebGL demos on HN have been that they only work in Chrome. I prefer Safari as my everyday browser (for no configuration iCloud sync reasons), but even with "Enable WebGL" checked, no WebGL apps seem to work.

http://floored.com just jams for me in chrome on osx; I just see a rotating blue triangle and nothing else

It probably doesn't use the latest version of the HTML5/WebGL plug-in (the entire technology stack is still alpha/beta). I recommend something more sandboxed, like Unity3d plug-in which lets you use proper OpenGL.

The shaders fail to compile on my Firefox with messages like: "Shader: Can't compile: ERROR: 0:149: '' : integer constant overflow".

Works fine in Firefox Nightly on Linux with Intel drivers.

Didn't seem to work on Safari either.

The cool tech aside, I am also extremely impressed by the diversity and balance of the team. Congratulations on building a very respectable workplace, that is clearly able to deliver! I wish you guys the best.

Very impressive, but navigating in the widget was quite difficult with a trackpad (MagicTrackpad). Not entirely sure that porting FPS key commands to an embedded widget makes sense.

It doesn't have a concept of a viewer so you go straight towards whatever you're looking at. It's quite easy to end up outside the room looking in through the floor :)

Very cool. The shaders fail to compile in the demo though, in Safari (on OS X 10.10). I get

[Error] Shader: invalid fragment shader 'bilateralGaussianBlur'

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