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Is there a reason the old thread was killed and this up in its place?

I thought the sales page contained better information than the blog post.

That aside, I feel this needs to be brought up in every Dropbox thread:

Get rid of Condoleezza Rice and I'll happily use your product.

One possible explanation: Dropbox is a YC company, HN is a YC website, and the previous discussion seemed to take a turn for the negative

As it should. We are a community voicing our opinions about a company. If we find they are doing wrong, shouldn't we say something about it?

Absolutely. The support for Dropbox here is disheartening.

Disheartening to you.

I like Dropbox, it solves a none trivial problem in a good way and I don't care that they hired Condoleeza Rice for their board.

I'm not a American.

I'm guessing you're not Iraqi, either.

The previous thread set off the HN software's flamewar detector. No moderator touched it.

Thanks for the insight.

Was this thread then manually flagged as "noflame"? It seems that the general sentiments on HN lean toward the "very critical" spectrum whenever dropbox is brought up, which seems like it would set off the flamewar filter constantly.

No, we haven't moderated it. The only thing affecting its rank are upvotes and flags, which are in the usual tug-of-war that we see with controversial threads.

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