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OCaml on iOS 7 Released (psellos.com)
108 points by a0 on Aug 24, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'm neither a Mac nor an iPhone person, but that's pretty cool. I'd like to know what it means in practice, though. So, you can run Ocaml programs on iOS? What about Apple's libraries? Are there any bindings available?

Yes, there is FFI code to expose Cocoa components via OCaml. Support is nowhere near complete for the entire iOS API, and it isn't factored into a reusable library, but it seems most sample apps have a nice wrapper allowing you to specify any additional component interfaces in OCaml itself without dropping down to Obj-C. Works for a nice class of applications right now, including those based on OpenGLES.

Thanks. Sounds brilliant.

It shouldn't be much of a problem to get interop working, everything objc goes through objc_sendmsg and everything C is well, C

I've been waiting a long time for Jeffrey to get OCaml working on iOS7 - this looks like excellent progress. Though this is just an early version, programming in OCaml is so much better than programming in Objective-C so I can't wait to see this project continue.

OCaml: The original Swift.

You might also take a look at F# running on Xamarin's stack, which is probably a bit more mature.

Surprising to see a svn repository listed. Is that common in the OCaml community?

No, it's not common. Most popular projects are normally hosted on GitHub and managed with OPAM[1]. Also you can checkout some interesting projects here: <https://github.com/rizo/awesome-ocaml/>

[1]: http://opam.ocaml.org

This looks cool, are there any tutorials on how to build a project from the ground up with it? I've hunted around the website without luck.

There are a number of sample/demo apps here that can be used as a starting point: http://psellos.com/ocaml/ Each app has instructions on how to build from source, etc.

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