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Gruber is a notorious shill. Daringfireball is about the only thing on HN I regularly flag because it's usually such brain free cheer leading drivel. But on occasion the analysis is good even if his introspection and self-awareness isn't.

His function in the technology news media is almost exactly like a political pundit, he sets the talking points and they'll reverberate around the Apple-sphere for years even they've long stopped making any kind of sense.

I didn't flag this one because for what it's worth, it's a decent approach and analysis and technically possible.

What's not said here is of course the denouncement that he's now obliged to make against the larger format phone (after towing the line for so many years that bigger phones are the worst thing since the last mass extinction event) and the writeup about how this entire kind of analysis is necessary because of weaknesses in Apple's approach to handling different screen size and resolutions that only now being solved.

That's an abuse of flagging. I wouldn't be surprised if the moderators have your flags going straight to /dev/null because you're using it to mark earnest content you disagree with.

No it's not. Read the guidelines. Half the garbage he writes is just fanboyism and doesn't even meet the "interesting" criteria. In fact, similar fawning crap by other writers are even autokilled, but because Gruber writes about Apple his stuff lives on.

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