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So what's your point? For what it's worth, Gruber is on record as not going to buy the 5.5" version, as it's too large (the Talk Show podcasts of recent weeks). He also still believes that the smaller form factor is better, but as Apple doesn't appear to be continuing the 4" line, what's a guy like Gruber, who is all-in on Apple, supposed to do? Not talk about Apple?

Better to say I expect to prefer the 4.7 over the 5.5-inch phone, personally. But I would never say I won't buy a product before I've actually seen it in person.

(I have seen other 5.5-inch phones, though, and none seem like something I'd want to carry in my pocket everywhere.)

Ahhh, sorry John, I didn't want to put words in your mouth, but I wrote that post on my phone, so I went with a shorter version of you without the caveats / conditions that you mentioned. My bad...

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